Miss advert
Fun and friends
My Gender | Female |
My Ethnicity | African |
My Country of Origin | ZIMBABWE |
My Age (years) | 34 |
My Star Sign | Gemini |
My Height (cms) | 1,5 |
My Body Type | I'll tell you later |
My Looks | Attractive |
My Hair Colour | Black |
My Eye Colour | Brown |
My Home Language | Shona |
My Other Languages | English |
My Religion | Christian |
My Marital Status | Single |
Have Children | I'll tell you later |
Want Children | I'll tell you later |
My Eating Habits | I eat most things |
My Smoking Habits | I'll tell you later |
My Drinking Habits | Just socially |
My Education | I'll tell you later |
My Occupation | Hairdresser |
My Income: | Comfortable |
Hobbies | Going out |
I am interested in friends | Yes |
My ideal match | Loving and caring |
Individual: Vee
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